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AlbertaAchi Bylaws

                International Association of  

Certified Home Inspectors of  Canada 

                           Constitution and Bylaws 

                                   Revised 2024.10.16


Numbers revised, Section descriptions and membership process added 2024.10.16  

Out of date information deleted  2024.10.16 



1.1 There shall be three categories of membership: Full Member, Student Member and Associate Member. 

1.1.1. Full Member: Members in good standing and have passed the AlbertaACHI final exams and peer review or have been members since before 2011.09.01.  Attend Yearly AGM’s  Minimum 30 CEU Credits Yearly  Licensed with Alberta Government  6 Month probation period for new applicants  Abide AlbertaACHI’s bylaws, code of ethics and Code of Conduct. 


1.1.2. Student Member: Members that have not yet passed the final exam and the peer review. Members in this category shall have full voice and NO vote at duly constituted meetings.  Minimum 30 CEU Credits Yearly   Minimum 6 months probation period   Attend at least one Demo Inspection per calendar year   Attend the yearly AGM   Minimum 6 months membership in AlbertaACHI before applying for full membership.   Abide AlbertaACHI’s Bylaws, Code of Ethics and Code of Conduct. 


1.1.3. Associate Member: Membership granted to individuals that are associated with home inspection. Members in this class will have a voice but no vote at any duly constituted meeting  6 Month Probation period  Abide by the code of ethics and AlbertaACHI bylaws  Attend the yearly AGM 

1.2. Membership Process & Procedures 

1.2.1 Membership fee, if any, in the society shall be determined, from time to time, by the members at a general meeting any person residing in Alberta, and being of the full age of 18 

1.2.2. Any member wishing to withdraw from membership may do so upon a notice in writing to the Board through its Secretary, if any member is in arrears for fees or assessments for any year, such member shall be automatically suspended at the expiration of six months from the end of such year and shall thereafter be entitled to no membership privileges or powers in the society until reinstated. 

1.3.1.  Membership process for AlbertaACHI Pre-application questionnaire, designed to assess the applicant’s qualifications and alignment with the association’s standards and code of ethics. Upon satisfactory completion of the questionnaire, the applicant will be interviewed by two members of the AlbertaACHI Executive Board. This interview serves to further evaluate the candidate’s experience and commitment to professional excellence and AlbertaACHI Applicants must submit a formal application to the executive committee, along with proof of relevant education and professional references. Once all documentation is reviewed by executive committee and education director  Executive committee will hold a vote to determine whether the applicant is accepted as a member. 

1.3.2.  The executive board reserves the right to suspend or terminate the membership of any individual who fails to comply with the obligations associated with their membership category, including but not limited to adherence to the Code of Ethics, continuing education requirements, and professional standards as outlined by the association 


2.1. Board of Directors, Executive Board, shall mean the Board of Directors of the society. 

2.2. The Board shall, subject to the bylaws or directions given it by majority vote at any meeting properly called and constituted, have full control and management of the affairs of the society, and meetings of the Board shall be held as often as may be required, but at least once every six months, and shall be called by the President. A special executive meeting may be called on the instructions of any two members provided they request the President in writing to call such meeting and state the business to be brought before the meeting. Meetings of the Board shall be called with 10 days’ notice in writing mailed to each member or by three days’ notice by email, fax or telephone. Any four members shall International Association of Certified Home Inspectors of Canada AlbertaACHI constitute a quorum, and meetings shall be held without notice if a quorum of the Board is present, provided however, that any business transactions at such meeting shall be ratified at the next regularly called meeting of the Board, otherwise they shall be null and void. 

2.3. A person appointed or elected a director becomes a director if they were present at the meeting when being appointed or elected, and did not refuse the appointment. They may also become a director if they were not present at the meeting but consented in writing to act as director before the appointment or election, or within ten days after the appointment or election, or if they acted as a director pursuant to the appointment or election. 

2.4. Any director or officer, upon a majority vote of all members in good standing, may be removed from office for any cause which the society may deem reasonable. 

2.5. Executive Board members of AlbertaACHI are expected to fully commit to the responsibilities and duties of their position, actively contributing to the leadership and strategic direction of the association. By accepting a board position, members agree to uphold the bylaws, policies, and objectives of AlbertaACHI, working to advance the organization’s mission and serve the interests of its members. Board members are required to be present at a minimum of 80% of Executive Meetings and must attend the Annual General Meeting (AGM) each year. Consistent attendance and active participation are critical to ensure effective governance, informed decision-making, and the successful execution of AlbertaACHI’s goals. Failure to meet these commitments may result in a review of the member's role on the board. 

2.6. May hire or appoint outside contractors to provide services as needed. 


3.1.  President shall be ex-officio a member of all Committees. He/she shall, when present, preside at all meetings of the society and of the Board. 

3.2. President shall serve as the chief executive officer of the association, responsible for overseeing its operations and ensuring the effective implementation of its mission and goals. 

3.3. President shall preside over all meetings of the Executive Board and general membership, guiding discussions and decision-making in alignment with the association’s bylaws and objectives.  

3.4. President shall act as the primary representative and spokesperson of 

AlbertaACHI in dealings with regulatory bodies, industry partners, and the public.  

3.5. President shall ensure that the association adheres to its professional standards, code of ethics, and promotes continuing education and certification requirements for members.  

3.6. Additionally, they shall have the authority to delegate responsibilities, appoint committee chairs, and collaborate with the executive team to maintain the integrity and growth of the association. 


4.1.  In the absence of the President or at the direction of the President, the VicePresident shall preside at any such meetings. In the absence of both, a chairperson may be elected at the meeting to preside. 

4.2. Vice President will assume the duties of the president if the President resigns his position or is unable to fulfill his duties. 

4.3. Vice President shall assist the President in the execution of their duties and act as the second-in-command within the association.  

4.4. Vice President shall support the executive team in implementing the association’s goals, enforcing its bylaws, and promoting member engagement.  

4.5. Vice President is expected to collaborate closely with the President and other executives to ensure the smooth functioning and growth of AlbertaACHI 

4.6.  Additionally, they may be assigned specific tasks or projects by the President or the Executive Committee, such as overseeing committees, managing events, or facilitating educational programs. 


5.1. It shall be the duty of the secretary to attend all meetings of the society and of the Board, and to keep accurate minutes of the same. The secretary shall circulate the minutes to all members of the executive within 48 hours after the meeting. The secretary shall have charge of the Society’s Seal, which whenever used shall be authenticated by the signature of the Secretary and the President, or, in the case of the death or inability of either too act, by the Vice President. In case of the absence of the Secretary, the secretary duties shall be discharged by such officer as may be appointed by the Board. The Secretary shall have charge of all the correspondence of the society and be under the direction of the President and the Board. The Secretary shall notify the Registrar as soon as possible whenever a member’s status changes. 

5.2. The Secretary shall also keep a record of all the members of the society and their addresses, send all notices of the various meetings as required, and collect and receive the annual dues or assessments International Association of Certified Home Inspectors of Canada AlbertaACHI levied by the society. Such monies shall be promptly turned over to the Treasurer for deposit in a Bank, Trust Company, Credit Union or Treasury Branch as required. 


6.1. The Treasurer shall receive all monies paid to the society and be responsible for the deposit of same in whatever Bank, Trust Company, Credit union or Treasury Branch the Board may order.  The Treasurer shall properly account for the funds of the society and keep such books as may be directed. The Treasurer shall present a full detailed account of receipts and disbursements to the Executive Board at month end and shall prepare for submission to the Annual Meeting a statement duly audited of the financial position of the society and submit a copy of same to the Secretary for the records of the society. The Office of the Secretary and Treasurer may be filled by one person if any annual meetings for the election of officers shall so decide. The Treasurer shall notify the Registrar as soon as possible whenever a member pays their dues. 

6.2 The Treasurer will prepare an annual budget to be approved at the Annual General Meeting and to be followed until the next Annual General Meeting. 


7.1. It shall be the duty of the Registrar to attend all meetings of the society and of the Board. The Registrar shall have charge of the Certification Seal of the Society, which shall be used to seal the Certificate of Completion. The seal shall be authenticated by the signature of the Registrar and the President, or, in the case of the death or inability of either too act, by the Vice President. 

7.2. It shall be the duty of the Registrar to keep accurate records of the certification status of all members past and present. 

7.3. The Registrar shall issue a Certificate of Completion, signed and sealed by the President and the Registrar, upon successful completion of the certification requirements. 

7.4. The Registrar shall maintain the web site and update it as required. 

7.5 The Registrar shall update the database upon notification of changes from the Secretary and/or Treasurer. 

8. Directors 

8.1. The Directors of the Executive Board of AlbertaACHI hold key leadership roles and are responsible for the strategic oversight and governance of the association.  

8.1.1. Duties include setting policies, managing the association’s affairs, and ensuring that the organization adheres to its mission and objectives.  

8.1.2. Directors must act in the best interests of AlbertaACHI and its members, making decisions that promote the association’s growth and sustainability.  

8.1.3. Each Director is expected to attend meetings regularly, contribute to discussions and decision-making, and fulfill the specific responsibilities of their position.  

8.1.4. Directors are also tasked with fostering professional development and upholding industry standards within the membership.  

8.1.5. Their commitment to AlbertaACHI requires dedication to these responsibilities, ensuring that they actively support and participate in the association’s activities and initiatives. 


9.1. The terms of office for all elected positions within AlbertaACHI shall be two (2) years. Officers and members of the Executive Board shall serve for this duration beginning from the date of their election or appointment. There shall be no limit on the number of consecutive terms an individual may serve in the same office, allowing officers to be re-elected or re-appointed indefinitely, provided they maintain the confidence of the membership. Elections for all positions will be held in accordance with the procedures outlined in these bylaws to ensure continuity and the consistent leadership of the association. 


10.1. The books, accounts and records of the Secretary and Treasurer shall be audited at least once each year by a duly qualified accountant or by two members of the society elected for that purpose at the Annual Meeting. A complete and proper statement of the standing of the books for the previous year shall be submitted by such auditor at the Annual Meeting of the society 

10.2 The fiscal year of the Society in each year shall end at midnight on December 


10.3 The books and records of the Society may he inspected by any member of the Society at the Annual Meeting or anytime upon giving reasonable notice and arranging a time satisfactory to the officer or officers having charge of same. Each member of the Board shall always have access to such books and records. 


11.1 Two (2) positions to be elected. Duties to review and audit books on each term and present the audited reports to members at General Meeting. Trustees shall not vote non-voting on money matters. Trustees shall have a voice on all matters that come before the members at all duly constituted meetings. 


12.1. The society shall hold an Annual General Meeting (AGM) between October 1 and March 31 of each year, following the anniversary of its formation. Written notice of the meeting shall be mailed to each member’s last known address at least 14 days prior to the scheduled date. During the AGM, elections will be held for the following positions: President, Vice-President, Registrar, Secretary, Treasurer (or Secretary/Treasurer), three (3) Directors, and two (2) Trustees. The elected officers and directors will form the Board and serve until their successors are elected and take office. Any vacancies arising during the year shall be filled at the next meeting, provided that the notice of such meeting includes this information. Any Full Member in good standing is eligible for office, except for those who serve as officers in another property inspectors' association. 

12.2. General meetings of the society may be called at any time by the Secretary upon the instructions of the President or Board by notice in writing to the last known address of each member, delivered in the mail eight days prior to the date of such meeting. A special meeting shall be called by the President or Secretary upon receipt of a petition signed by one-third of the members in good standing, setting forth the reasons for calling such meeting, which shall be by letter to the last known address of each member, delivered in the mail eight days prior to the meeting. Five members in good standing shall constitute a quorum at any meeting.              

 13. VOTING 

13.1. Any Full member who has not withdrawn from membership nor has been suspended nor expelled shall have the right to vote at any meeting of the society. Such votes must be made in person and not by proxy or otherwise. 


14.1. Unless authorized at any meeting and after notice for same shall have been given, no officer or member of the association shall receive any remuneration for his/her services. 


15.1. For the purpose of carrying out its objects, the society may borrow or raise or secure the payment of money in such manner as it thinks fit and by the issue of debentures, but this power shall be exercised only under the authority of the society, and in no case shall debentures be issued without the sanction of a special resolution of the society. 

  1. BYLAWS 

16.1 The Bylaws may be rescinded, altered or added to by a "Special Resolution". 


17.1. Certification requirement shall require the member to have passed a final exam proctored by a CMI/CCHI member in good standing. 

17.1.1. Appendix A Certification procedures 

17.1.2. Appendix B Peer review procedures. 

17.1.3. Appendix C Exams Exam 1 to be completed within the time allotted  


18.1. Discipline Committee 

18.1.1. There shall be a Discipline Committee, appointed by the AlbertaACHI Executive Board Members (Herein after referred to as “Executive”), and composed of at least Two Members, each with 2 years experience as an Association Official, if both of those years have been served immediately prior to the appointment. 

18.1.2. All disciplinary recommendations, by the Discipline Committee, require the vote of the majority of the members of the Executive. 

18.1.3. Four members of the Executive constitute a quorum for the decisions on the recommendations. 

18.2. Duties and Powers of the Discipline Committee 

18.2.1. The Discipline Committee shall: when so directed by the Executive, hear and determine allegations of professional misconduct or incompetence against a member or former Member, and perform other duties assigned to it by the Executive. 

18.2.2. A Member or former Member may be found guilty of professional misconduct by the Discipline Committee upon satisfactory evidence of breach by the Member or former Member of the Rules of Professional Conduct or the AlbertaACHI Code of Ethics. 

18.2.3. If the Discipline Committee makes a finding of professional misconduct in respect of a member, it may take one or more of the actions, namely: reprimand the Member, suspend the Member, impose limitations or conditions on the continuance of membership in the Association, revoke the certification of the Member, expel the Member, if it expels the Member, impose limitations or conditions on the Member resuming his/her membership, impose a fine that the Member must pay to the Association, and require that the Member pay to the Association, within a specified period, the costs of the inquiry, including costs incurred by a Complainant or witness.   

18.2.4. If the Discipline Committee makes a finding of professional misconduct in respect of a former Member, it may, recommend to the Executive, penalties, namely: reprimand the former Member, impose limitations on the former Member resuming membership, impose a fine that the former Member must pay to the Association, require the former Member to pay to the Association, within specified period of time, the costs of the inquiry, including costs incurred by a Complainant or witness. 

18.2.5. The Discipline Committee shall follow through on an order of the 

Executive, revoking or suspending the certification and/or membership of a Member by name, to be published, with or without reasons, in the official publication of the Association. 

18.2.6. The Discipline Committee shall cause a determination by the Committee that an allegation of professional misconduct was unfounded to be published in the official publication of the Association, but only upon the request of the Member against whom the allegation was made. 

18.2.7. If the Discipline Committee is of the opinion that the commencement of any proceeding was unwarranted, the Committee may order that the Association reimburse the Member for his or her costs or a portion set by the Discipline Committee. 

18.2.8. If the Executive revokes or suspends the Certification and/or membership of a Member, the order takes effect when the time for appeal from the order established by the Act has expired without an appeal being taken, or if taken, the appeal has been denied or abandoned. 

18.3. Discipline Proceedings 

18.3.1. In a proceeding before the Discipline Committee, the Association and the Member whose conduct is being investigated in the proceeding, are parties to the proceeding. 

18.3.2. A Member whose conduct is being investigated in a proceeding before the Discipline Committee shall be afforded an opportunity to examine before the hearing, any written or documentary evidence that will be produced, or any report, which will be produced as evidence at the hearing. 

18.3.3. A Member has the right to attend and make submissions in person or through a representative at a Discipline Committee hearing into the Member's conduct. 

18.3.4. Members of the Discipline Committee: shall not have taken part before the hearing in any investigation of the subject matter of the hearing other than as a member of the Executive, considering the referral of the matter to the Discipline Committee or at a previous hearing of the Discipline Committee, and shall not communicate directly or indirectly in relation to the subject matter of the hearing with any person or with any party or representative of any party, except upon notice to them, and giving an opportunity for all parties to participate, but the Discipline Committee may seek legal advice from an advisor independent from the parties and, in such case, the nature of the advice shall be made known to the parties in order that they may make submissions on the law. 

18.3.5. Hearings of the Discipline Committee shall be closed to the public but if the Member whose conduct is being investigated requests otherwise, by a notice delivered to the Secretary before the day set for the hearing, the Discipline Committee shall conduct the hearing in public, except where sensitive information about persons other than the Member outweighs the desirability of holding a hearing in public. 

18.3.6. The oral evidence taken before the Discipline Committee may be recorded and, if requested, copies of the transcript, if any, shall be given exclusively to the parties to the hearing. 

18.3.7. If the Discipline Committee makes a finding of professional misconduct against a Member, a copy of the decision shall be sent to the Complainant by registered mail. 

18.3.8. The Discipline Committee shall endeavour to provide every reasonable opportunity for the Member to appear in his/her defence at the hearing inquiring into allegations of his/her misconduct. Nevertheless, if the Member is unwilling to cooperate in the setting of a Hearing date or refuses to appear at or send a representative to the Hearing, the Discipline Committee may proceed with the Hearing in the absence of the Member. 

18.3.9. The notice of hearing and any subsequent notification relating to the complaint will be addressed to the Member at the Members last address on file with the Association. 

18.4. Appeal Procedure 

18.4.1. An individual has the right of appeal against the disciplinary action. This appeal must be lodged in writing with the executive committee of the Board of Directors. 

18.4.2. Three members of the Executive shall constitute the Disciplinary Appeal 

Board. International Association of Certified Home Inspectors of Canada AlbertaACHI 

18.4.3. The Disciplinary Appeal Board shall review all evidence that was previously presented to the Discipline Committee and shall conduct and complete the appeal within ninety (90) days after receipt of the written appeal request. 

18.5. Powers of Inquiry 

18.5.1. The Discipline Committee has the power and authority granted to the Executive, when inquiring into the professional conduct and competence of a Member, or former Member, to determine if grounds exist for discipline. 



19.1. Upon dissolution or winding up of the society, any remaining assets will be distributed to any charitable association or society in Canada. Formed for the purpose of serving and promoting the home inspection industry. 

Revision records 

Dated 2007.10.25 including Revisions 2008.01.10. 

2012.08.13 Steve Horvath’s comments incorporated. 

2012.08.24 Proposed revisions presented to Executive. 

2012.08.24 Proposed revisions approved by Executive  2012.09.08 Discipline Procedures added. 

2012.11.05 Approved by general membership at 2012.11.05 AGM. 

2013.06.08 Proposed appeal procedures section added 17.4  2013.06.08 AlbertaACHI name and logo replaced with AlbertaACHI   2013.06.08 Section numbers revised and corrected. 

• 2024.10.10 Sections Revised and Corrected, Section Numbers Revised 










Appendix A 

CCHI Standards and Training procedures 

The following training and testing standards are to be successfully completed to earn the privilege of using the CCHI Professional designation and logo. The CCHI designation is the exclusive property of the International Association of Certified Home Inspectors of Canada, AlbertaACHI and may only be used by AlbertaACHI members in good standing. 

Primary Certification procedures Training Courses 

1. Complete 202 hours of InterNACHI courses or equivalent courses approved by the Educational Committee of Alberta NACHI  

  • 4 hours: Complete InterNACHI's online Safe Practices for the Home Inspector course (free), including all quizzes within and pass its final exam. 
  • 5 hours: Complete InterNACHI's online 25 Standards Every Inspector Should Know course (free), including all quizzes within and pass its final exam. 
  • 8 hours: Complete InterNACHI's online Residential Plumbing Inspection course (free), including all quizzes within and pass its final exam. 
  • 4 hours: Complete InterNACHI's online Residential Electrical Inspection course (free), including all quizzes within, and pass its final exam. 
  • 4 hours: Complete InterNACHI's online Roofing Inspection course (free), including all quizzes within and pass its final exam. 
  • 12 hours: Complete InterNACHI's online HVAC Inspection course (free), including all quizzes within and pass its final exam. 
  • 4 hours: Complete InterNACHI's online Structural Issues course (free), including all quizzes within and pass its final exam. 
  • 16 hours: Complete InterNACHI's online Exterior Inspection course (free), including all quizzes within and pass its final exam. 
  • 4 hours: Completer InterNACHI's online Communication and Customer Service for Inspectors course (free), including all quizzes within and pass its final exam. 
  • 14 hours: Complete InterNACHI's online Attic, Insulation, Ventilation and Interior course (free), including all quizzes within and pass its final exam. 
  • 3 hours: Complete InterNACHI's online Deck Inspections course (free), including all the quizzes within and pass its final exam. 
  • 8 hours: Complete InterNACHI's online Moisture Intrusion Inspection course (free), including all the quizzes within and pass its final exam. 
  • 8 hours: Complete InterNACHI's online Green Building course (free), including all quizzes within and pass its final exam. 
  • 12 hours: Complete InterNACHI's online Wood-Destroying Organisms course (free), including all quizzes within and pass its final exam. 
  • 12 hours: Complete InterNACHI's online Mould Inspection course (free), including all quizzes within and pass its final exam. 
  • 3 hours: Complete InterNACHI's online Inspecting Foundation Walls and Piers course (free), including all quizzes within and pass its final exam. 
  • 8 hours: Complete InterNACHI's online Log Home Inspection course (free), including all quizzes within and pass its final exam. 
  • 12 hours: Complete InterNACHI's online Radon Measurement Service Provider course (free), including all quizzes within and pass its final exam. 
  • 8 hours: Complete InterNACHI's online Commercial Inspection course (free), including all quizzes within and pass its final exam. 
  • 16 hours: Complete InterNACHI/NACHI.TV's online Advanced HVAC Training for Inspectors video course (free), including all quizzes and pass its final exam. 
  • 16 hours: Complete InterNACHI/NACHI.TV's online Advanced Stucco & EIFS Inspection Training video course (free), including all quizzes and pass its final exam. 
  • 3 hours: Complete InterNACHI's online Introduction to InterNACHI's Residential Standards of Practice course (free), including all quizzes and pass its final exam.  
  • 3 hours: Complete InterNACHI/NACHI.TV's online Advanced Inspection of Crawlspaces video course (free), including all quizzes and pass its final exam. 
  • 5 hours: Complete InterNACHI/NACHI.TV's online Building Science and Infrared Thermography video course (free), including all quizzes an

Appendix B

Peer Review Procedures.

The following CMI peer review Procedures and Scoring Guidelines as required by Government

regulations and approved at Jun 2011 special meeting and subsequently approved by; Scott Hood, Director Home Inspection Licensing under the Fair Trading Act.

It is impetrative that you read and understand the following before conducting the peer review.

This Review procedure is the property of the International Association of Certified Home Inspectors of Canada.

1. This review is only to be used to evaluate members of the International Association of Certified Home Inspectors of Canada, AlbertaACHI and InterNACHI.

2. This review procedure and evaluation is only to be used by Certified Canadian Home Inspector and Certified Master Inspectors (CCHI/CMI) that are Chapter members and have attended an orientation course on the use of this procedure and how to do the evaluation.

3. The purpose of this review is to evaluate the applicant's ability to inspect a dwelling, compile a report and present the information to a client as per government regulations and InterNACHI's Standards of Professional Practice.

4. This Review procedure is the property of the International Association of Certified Home Inspectors of Canada and will not be used by any unauthorized individuals or associations.

5. A peer review by a CCHI/CMI is required by the Fair Trading Act administered by Service Alberta.

6. Successful completion of the peer review is required to apply for a Home Inspectors licence.

7. Upon successful completion of the peer review sign three copies of the affidavit and mail one original signed copy to the Registrar of the International Association of Certified Home Inspectors of Canada, AlbertaACHI.

8. Sign three copies of government form CONPO157 and return to the applicant.

9. To apply for the Home Inspectors license, attach one original signed copy of the CCHI/CMI peer review Affidavit to form and one copy of form CONP0157. The CONPO1 57.pdf is downloadable from

10. Distribute all copies as per instructions on Affidavit. Each report will be evaluated for compliance with the following criteria: Observation and Description of systems and components

1. Observation: The act of making a visual examination of a system or component and reporting on its condition.

1.1. Description: Report in writing a system or component by its type, or other characteristics, to distinguish it from other components used for the same purpose.

2. Explanation of adverse conditions and recommendations for remedies (such as "review by qualified professional, service by qualified professional, correction by qualified professional")

3. Cost estimates by Home Inspectors doing Home Inspections is forbidden by the current Home Inspection Regulations. Therefore, the HI should recommend other qualified professionals to provide cost estimates.

These criteria will apply to all systems and components that are applicable to the property inspected, as set forth in the International Association of Certified Home Inspectors, hereinafter called InterNACHI, Standards of Professional Practice.

Appendix C

2. Final Exams

2.1 The final exam consists of Exam 1;

2.1.1 Exam 1 to be completed within the time allotted,

2.1.2. A pass mark shall be a minimum of 80% is needed.

2.1.3. The final exam is required by the Alberta Government’s Fair-Trading Act.

2.1.4. The final exam will be proctored by a CCHI/CMI member of AlbertaACHI or other professional approved by the Director of, Fair-Trading Act, Home Inspection Business Regulations. International Association of Certified Home Inspectors of Canada AlbertaACHI

As of September 1, 2011, Alberta government regulations requires that all Home Inspectors pass a test inspection proctored and evaluated by a Certified Master Inspector (CMI). All new Home Inspectors must pass this test to obtain a Home Inspectors Licence. This procedure was designed for the exclusive use of Certified Master Inspectors that are members in good standing of International Association of Certified Home Inspectors of Canada. Submit the completed review and original signed copy of the Affidavit to; AlbertaACHI Registrar.

This review may be used to apply for bonding, general liability and E&O insurance.

©End of general procedures

Evaluation Beginning of evaluation and scoring of conformance International Association of Certified Home Inspectors of Canada

These Peer review procedures are to be follow by all CCHI/CMI's

The purpose of the peer review is to evaluate the applicant’s ability to complete an on-site inspection, compile the report and present the findings to the client.

The following procedure is to be used by all CMI's to evaluate the applicant's ability and knowledge. To complete an onsite home inspection.

1. Applicant contacts a CMI to arrange for the CMI to review and evaluate his inspection proficiency.

The fees are a private contract between applicant and CMI. $600 to $1000 is recommended. Additional fees for mileage etc. may be added.

2. It will be the applicant's responsibility to arrange for the dwelling to be inspected.

2.1 The dwelling must meet the following criteria.

2.1.1 Single family home built after 1920 and larger then 100m2 (1076.391) Sq Ft.

3 Applicant and CMI/CCHI meet on site to do the inspection.

3.1 The CCHI/CMI's role at this point is to observe and evaluate the applicant's performance. As the applicant inspects each item.

3.2 The CCHI/CMI should refrain from making any comments about the inspection or any procedures the applicant is performing.

4. The CCHI/CMI shall interfere only if the applicant is violating or about to violate a health or safety protocol that endangers them, other people or the property.

4.1 The CCHI/CMI will terminate the inspection if in the CCHI/CMI 's opinion the safety violation is serious. International Association of Certified Home Inspectors of Canada AlbertaACHI

4.2 The CCHI/CMI 's decision is final and binding.

5. The applicant will provide all the equipment and reporting tools to do the inspection.

5.1 The applicant meets and greets the client or homeowner and explains the procedure they will be following.

5.2 Applicant proceeds with the inspection while the CCHI/CMI observes, evaluates and records his evaluations.

5.3 Applicant completes the inspection

6. Applicant completes the report on site or off as per his/her preferred procedures.

7. Following completion of the report the applicant and CCHI/CMI meet, and the applicant presents the report and findings to the CCHI/CMI as if the CCHI/CMI is the Client.

7.1 The CCHI/CMI plays the role of the Client.

7.2 The applicant presents the report and CCHI/CMI asks questions that a typical Client would ask.

8. CCHI/CMI Evaluates the on-site inspection procedures, report, and presentation of each of the following as detailed in 8.1, 8.2 and 8.3 for all of the evaluation forms.

8.1 Inspectors inspection procedures. Enter score in column one.

8.2 Content of Report. Enter score in Column two.

8.3 Presentation of findings and recommendations. Enter score in column three.

9. Review of evaluation and scoring.

9.1 CCHI/CMI and applicant review the inspection item by item

9.1.1 CCHI/CMI goes through evaluation and explains why the score is what it is.

9.1.2 CCHI/CMI commends applicant for good work and recommends further study if required.

9.2 CCHI/CMI completes score

9.2.1 CCHI/CMI informs applicant of final results. International Association of Certified Home Inspectors of Canada AlbertaACHI

9.2.2 CCHI/CMI files evaluation papers and recommendations with Registrar of the International Association of Certified Inspectors of Canada.

10. Registrar will review the CCHI/CMI 's recommendation and the applicants report. The registrar will keep a record of each applicants’ evaluation and issue a certification certificate upon the CCHI/CMI 's Recommendation.

11. The registrar will keep these records confidential and will only release them upon signed consent from the applicant to whomever the applicant authorizes to have them.

12. Grades will be assigned for each Standard of Practice item on the property.

12.1 Three evaluations shall be done for each SOP item; inspection procedure, report and presentation. Scoring and assigning grades Evaluation and scoring shall be assigned as follows and recorded on the evaluation forms for each SOP item for each of; Inspection procedures, Recorded in Report and presentation to client.

1) -2 points Applicant presented incorrect information about item,

2) 0 points if the item is present but the applicant missed it,

3) 1 point if item is present and Applicant observed it but did not recognize it properly,

4) 2 points Applicant recognized item and dealt with it properly,

5) NP Item not present and does not enter the evaluation

Duties of the applicant

Made sure client understood the significance of the deficiency, Explained the problems that may arise

from the deficiency Recommend the appropriate follow up.

Recommend appropriate professional to follow up

Provided a reasonable procedure to deal with the deficiency

Scoring will be done for the actual inspection, report and presentation.

Thus a total of 6 points could be awarded, 2 for inspection, 2 for report and 2 for presentation of each item that is dealt with as it should be.

If the Item is not present insert an NP into the appropriate box.

To pass the on-site inspection the applicant must score 85% of the total items present times 6.

The CCHI/CMI will submit the evaluation forms and reviewers Affidavit to the register of InterNACHI Alberta Chapter.

End of Scoring

Exam has not been included as that is the contents of the exam.


1. CCHI = Certified Canadian Home Inspector.

2. AlbertaACHI = International Association of Certified Home Inspectors of Canada.

3. Ride alongs= Accompany and observe CMI/CCHI doing Home Inspection.

4. Alternate Courses; Alternate courses maybe submitted in place of the InterNACHI courses the student has not competed as per the above list in section 1.

5. In Alberta these regulations are covered by the Fair Trading Act.©

6. CMI = Certified Master Inspector

"The AlbertaACHI Association is committed to advancing public education and awareness about home inspections, improving housing safety, and providing training programs for individuals seeking careers in home inspection."