SUNachi is InterNACHI's new, free state association of inspectors in Florida. We have the best and brightest inspectors. Join. Membership is always free.

Upcoming Inspection Events in Florida
Latest Florida Inspection News:
Things that Florida Inspectors Should Do:
- Get more wind mitigation inspections.
- Join our online discussion about the My Safe Florida Home Program.
- Take the free, online Wind Mitigation Inspection course.
- Visit the House of Horrors inspector training facility in Weston, Florida.
- Order the free Florida version of "Now That You've Had a Home Inspection" book.
- Order the free Spanish version of "Now That You've Had a Home Inspection" book.
- Visit the Florida inspectors forum.
- Become a licensed home inspector in Florida.
- Take the Florida-approved, free, online 120-hour licensing course.
- Take the Florida-approved, closed-book, proctored licensing exam.
- Take free, online Florida-approved continuing education for home inspectors.
- Get a free quote on E&O insurance.
- Checkout the Life Expectancy Chart for Homes in Florida.
- Take the free, online Florida-approved Mold Assessor and Remediator course.
- Become a Certified Four-Point Insurance Inspector.
- Take the free, online Moisture Intrusion Inspection course.
- Follow InterNACHI's Facebook page.
- Use the Florida Home Inspection Agreement.
- Take the free, online Pool and Spa Inspection course.
- Take the free, online Swimming Pool Inspection video course.
- Take the free, online Lawn Irrigation System Inspection course.
- Take the free, online Inspecting Tile Roofs course.
- Take the free online Florida Home Inspection Standards of Practice, Statutes and Rules course.
- Take the free online Florida Residential Building Code course.
Deals and Discounts for SUNachi Members:
Videos for Florida Inspectors:
Misc Documents:

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