4. Venue / Waiver of Jury / Attorney’s Fees. The exclusive venue for any action arising out of the Program is Boulder, Colorado. The parties waive trial by jury. Note: InterNACHI® insists on communicating solely by email (in only one email thread) so that everyone involved can be on the same page, literally. Read:
https://www.nachi.org/email.htm. If you start separate email communications with InterNACHI®, you will delay the purchase of your home. If you fail to include the real estate agent you are working with and your home inspector in the email thread, you will delay the purchase of your home. If you start a new email thread to send us a document we requested, you will delay the purchase of your home. Everyone and every document must remain in one single email thread in order for InterNACHI® to consider buying your home. This is the email address you should use:
jdenneler@icmtpa.comAlso: When InterNACHI® buys the home, we wire the money. The title company should provide InterNACHI® with the wiring instructions that include the amount to be wired on the same document as the wiring instructions at least five business days before closing.