1750 30th Street, Suite 301
CO 80301 USA
(303) 223-0861
InterNACHI®, International Association of Certified Home Inspectors (
Chief Operating Officer
Ben Gromicko is responsible for the daily operation of InterNACHI and InterNACHI School, including the development, management, operation, improvement, and monitoring of the systems that create and deliver education, products, and services for members. He is responsible for the administration and efficient operation of the Student and Member Services, Communications Department, Education Department, and Marketing Department. He enforces institutional policies and regulations. He is responsible for the academic, personnel, financial, marketing, and administrative affairs of InterNACHI®. He is responsible for directing and communicating the vision and goals of the InterNACHI® and InterNACHI School®.
InterNACHI® School is accredited as a postsecondary school by ACCET, a national accrediting agency recognized by the U.S. Department of Education, to provide tuition-free e-learning online training, examination, certification, and continuing education to InterNACHI® members. InterNACHI® School is also a Member College of the National Association of Career Colleges of Canada, a national association representing more than 500 regulated career colleges across Canada.
InterNACHI is an Approved Training Provider listed by the U.S. Dept. of Defense and the U.S. Dept. of the Army. InterNACHI® offers accredited education programs to soldiers from Regular Army, Army National Guard, and United States Army Reserve-Officers, Warrant Officers, Noncommissioned Officers, and Enlisted, who are eligible to participate in the Army Credentialing Assistance Program.
View more approvals and accreditations.
Executive Producer, Host, and Presenter
Gromicko is the author and producer of online training videos and webinars for property inspectors, contractors, and real estate professionals. Gromicko is responsible for managing and planning various aspects of video production, including the overall development and quality of video production. Gromicko has authored, scripted, filmed, edited, and produced hundreds of videos since 2007. InterNACHI® Webinars provide free, online face-to-face learning for everyone. Since 2009, Gromicko has taught more than 50,000 students who registered for the live online training from InterNACHI® Webinars and NACHI.TV.
Certified Distance Education Instructor
Ben Gromicko is a Certified Distance Education Instructor (Instructor # 67422), an internationally-recognized certification from the International Distance Education Certification Center (IDECC, InterNACHI® School provides online training and Continuing Education accredited by the Association of Real Estate License Law Officials (ARELLO,
The IDECC Distance Education Standards are the global benchmark for distance education delivery measurement. InterNACHI® School curriculum, including all online courses and examinations, meets the International Standards for Distance Education.

Professional Member of the National Association of Psychometrists
Ben Gromicko is a professional member of the National Association of Psychometrists (NAP). Member ID #56426517. Gromicko is responsible for the administration and scoring of psychometrically valid exams. As Dean of, Gromicko has a BS Degree and more than 20,000 hours of practicing the science of educational and psychological measurement and associated administrative experience, and the development of examinations that measure the knowledge, skills, and abilities (KSA) of the Home Inspector. A psychometrician develops assessments such as examinations for educational and professional credentialing purposes (such as the Certified Professional Inspector CPI®). Gromicko and psychometricians developed the knowledge, skills, and abilities (KSAs) that the InterNACHI® exams are designed to measure. He measures the validity, reliability, and fairness of InterNACHI's exam programs. He developed the test specifications and the item writing process to ensure that each part of the process conforms to testing industry standards, such as those in the Standards for Educational and Psychological Testing of the American Educational Research Association.

Examination Team Chair of Accreditation Council for Continuing Education and Training (ACCET)
Ben Gromicko has acted as a Chair Member of the On-site Examination Team representing the Accreditation Commission of Accrediting Council for Continuing Education and Training (ACCET), a national accrediting agency recognized by the U.S. Department of Education. The Examination Team establishes an objective comparative analysis of an institution and the operational characteristics relevant to each of the National Standards for Accreditation as demonstrated by actual practices. Team examiners seek to verify the accuracy and validity of the information and data through inquiry, observation, and sampling techniques. Both administrative and educational activities are reviewed in the context of the national accreditation standards, policies, and procedures for accredited postsecondary education institutions.
Experience and Qualifications
- 2017 - present: InterNACHI Chief Operating Officer (
- 2018 - present: InterNACHI School Dean (
- 2018 - present: InterNACHI Chief Academic Officer (
- 2018 - present: InterNACHI School Faculty (
- 2007 - 2018: Director of Education. InterNACHI, the International Association of Certified Home Inspectors
- 2019 - present: Examination Team Chair & Management Specialist representing the Accrediting Council for Continuing Education and Training (ACCET), a national accrediting agency of the US Department of Education.
- 2020 - present: Professional Member of the National Association of Psychometrists (NAP). Member ID #56426517.
- 2020 - present: Member of the American Psychological Association. Membership # C2002852890.
- 2008 - 2020: NACHI.TV Executive Producer. NACHI.TV produced premier inspection education with free, online training video courses for commercial and residential property inspectors, independent adjusters, contractors, and real estate professionals.
- 2009 - present: Certified Distance Education
Instructor. ARELLO and IDECC, International Distance Education Certification Center, CDEI ID #67422.
- 2020 - present: International Code Council ICC® Preferred Education Provider #1137.
- 2020 - present: International Code Council ICC® Certified Property Maintenance & Housing Inspector and Code Enforcement Officer. ICC® Certification #64Y2018, #8207784.
- 2021 - present: International Code Council ICC® Certified Member #8207784.
- 2020 - present: Instructor. InterNACHI is listed as an Approved Education Provider by the U.S. Department of Defense and the U.S. Department of the Army.
- 2011 - present: U.S. EPA-Approved Course Trainer. U.S. EPA Approved Lead-Safe Certified
RRP Course Trainer. Course Approval NAT-RV-I-61589-1-EL
- 2015 - present: AARST, American Association of Radon Scientists and Technologists. Member #A5898.
- 2014 - present: Alabama Licensed Instructor. Alabama Real Estate Commission. License # 100681
- 2013 - present: Alabama School Administrator. Alabama Certified Instructor. Alabama Real Estate Commission. #000100681-0
- 2013 - present: Alaska Certified Instructor. Alaska Real Estate Commission. Instructor #820.
- 2014 - present: California Certified Continuing Education Instructor. California Bureau of Real Estate. Instructor # 5114.
- 2013 - present: Colorado Certified Instructor. Colorado Department of Regulatory Agencies. #3774, #3775, #3776.
- 2013 - present: Delaware Certified Instructor. Delaware Real Estate Commission. Instructor RT-0010352. Continuing Education for licensed real estate agents.
- 2014 - present: District of Columbia Instructor. District of Columbia Real Estate Commission. Provider / Instructor #BP1401333.
- 2010 - present: Florida Certified Instructor. Instructor # 1322156. Provider ID is 367779. Approved to instruct CE 2-20 - General Lines (Property & Casualty) courses.
- 2010 - present: Florida Certified Instructor. Instructor # 1322156. Provider ID is 367779. Approved to instruct CE 3-24c - Adjuster Optional courses.
- 2013 - present: Florida Certified Instructor. Florida Department of Business and Professional Services. Provider #0004455.
- 2010 - present: Florida Approved Instructor for Florida Insurance Claims Adjusters and General Lines courses. Florida Department of Financial Services.
- 2016 - present: Florida Approved CE Instructor and Provider by Florida DBPR Electrical Contractors Licensing Board.
- 2010 - present: Florida Approved Course Provider. Provider ID# 367779. Florida Department of Financial
Services. Florida Insurance Claims Adjuster Optional courses.
- 2014 - present: Hawaii Licensed Course Instructor. Hawaii Real Estate Branch. Instructor # 1700.
- 2016 - present: Idaho Real Estate Education Instructor. Idaho Real Estate Commission.
- 2014- present: Iowa Approved Course Instructor. Iowa Real Estate Commission. Instructor # 131.
- 2013 - present: Illinois State Administrator. Illinois state-licensed home inspector education provider and administrator. License #452.000145.
- 2010 - present: Illinois Licensed Real Estate CE Instructor 2022-2023.pdf. Illinois state-licensed instructor for licensed real estate agents. License #563.002468.
- 2012 - present: Indiana Certified Instructor. Instructor License #INST0001753. Indiana Home Inspectors Board. Pre-Licensing Home Inspectors.
- 2014 - present: Michigan Certified Instructor. Michigan Department of Licensing and Regulatory Affairs (LARA). Instructor Sponsor #520.
- 2013 - present: Missouri Certified Instructor. Missouri Real Estate Commission. School #21800.
- 2013 - present: Mississippi Certified Instructor. Mississippi Real Estate Commission. Continuing Education #10726.
- 2015 - present: Montana Certified Continuing Education Instructor. Montana Board of Realty Regulation. Instructor Number 16-045.
- 2013 - present: New Hampshire Certified Instructor. New Hampshire Real Estate Commission. #E1670.
- 2013 - present: New Jersey Certified Instructor. New Jersey Real Estate Commission's Education Bureau. Instructor #I1000372.
- 2011 - present: New York Approved Instructor. State of New York. Department of State, Bureau of Educational Standards.
- 2015 - present: New York Certified Real Estate School Coordinator. New York Division of Licensing.
- 2014 - present: New Zealand Instructor. New Zealand Real Estate Agents Authority. Continuing Education for Licensed Real Estate Professionals.
- 2013 - present: North Carolina Certified Instructor. North Carolina Real Estate Commission. Code #1511.
- 2014 - present: North Carolina Certified Instructor. North Carolina Home Inspector Licensing Board. #IEC137.
- 2014 - present: North Dakota Instructor. North Dakota Real Estate Commission. Continuing Education for licensed real estate professionals. Instructor # 1415-490.
- 2021 - present: Ohio Certified Instructor for Home Inspectors. Ohio Division of Real Estate and Professional Licensing. Ohio Home Inspector Pre-Licensing Program. #HIQO 0070103 21.
- 2013 - present: Ohio Certified Instructor. Ohio Division of Real Estate and Professional Licensing. #938300108E.
- 2008 - present: Oklahoma Certified Instructor. Oklahoma Construction Industries Board. Instructor No. I-107.
- 2013 - present: Oklahoma Certified Instructor. The State of Oklahoma Real Estate Commission course instructor for licensed real estate professionals. Instructor # 2666.
- 2013 - present: Oregon Certified Instructor. Oregon Real Estate Agency. Course provider instructor. CEP.1357
- 2017 - present: Pennsylvania Real Estate Instructor. Pennsylvania Real Estate Commission. Continuing Education for licensed real estate professionals. Instructor #RI006867
- 2014 - present: Quebec Instructor. Quebec Real Estate Brokerage Regulatory Organization.
- 2014 - present: Rhode Island Approved Instructor. Rhode Island Department of Business Regulation. Approved Instructor REE.0001065.
- 2014 - present: South Carolina Real Estate Commission Instructor #1056 South Carolina Department of Labor, Licensing and Regulation Real Estate Commission. Continuing Education for licensed real estate professionals.
- 2008 - present: South Dakota Certified Instructor. South Dakota Real Estate Commission. Approved instructor for home inspection continuing education in the state of South Dakota.
- 2013 - present: Tennessee Certified Instructor. Tennessee Real Estate Commission. Instructor for licensed real estate professionals in Tennessee.
- 2014 - 2019: Texas Licensed Real Estate Instructor. Texas Real Estate Commission. Instructor for licensed real estate professionals. License # 2995.
- 2010 - 2019: Texas Certified Core Instructor. Texas Real Estate Commission. Residential Inspections for Property Inspectors. TREC ID # 881369227.
- 2014 - 2019: Texas Certified Continuing Education (ICE) Instructor. Texas Real Estate Commission. TREC ID #881369227.
- 2010 - 2019: Texas Certified Instructor for MCE Elective Courses. Texas Real Estate Commission. TREC ID # 881369227.
- 2015 - present: Utah Instructor License. Utah Department of Commerce Division of Real Estate. Instructor License # 9255142-CE10.
- 2013 - present: Washington Certified Instructor. Washington Real Estate Services Division. #S1755.
- 2014 - present: West Virginia Approved Instructor. West Virginia Real Estate Commission. Continuing Education Instructor # 41115.
- 2016 - present: Wisconsin Approved Real Estate Instructor. Wisconsin Department of Safety and Professional Services. # RE3871.
- 2014 - present: Wyoming Instructor. Wyoming Real Estate Commission. Continuing Education for licensed real estate professionals. #290552.
- 2006 - present: Board-Approved Instructor. Master Inspector Certification
- 2011 - 2014: NREL Committee Member. National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) Committee Member. Inspector/Quality Control Certification Scheme Committee is tasked to build a strong national framework for
workforce certification based on the guidelines, as well as a process
for regularly updating the technical sections of the Standard Work
- 2007 - 2013. President, Mountain Inspection Support
Association. Non-profit association of home inspectors.
- 1995 - 2007. President, PEACH Inspections, Inc., a home inspection service corporation operated in Pennsylvania.
- 1995 - 2007. Pennsylvania EPA Certified Radon Tester. Department of Environmental Protection, Radon Division. Firm: Peach Inspections #2288.
- 1993 - 1995. Custom home builder. Northtowne Homes, Gibsonia, PA.
- 1989 - 1994. Pennsylvania EPA Certified Radon Tester and Mitigator. Sunn Radon Corporation. #104010T
- Bachelor of Science Degree, Computer Science from the University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, PA (1992)
- Teaching Certificate, Education. Mathematics from the University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, PA (1993)
- Home Inspector Certificate,
Inspector Certifications & Credentials
- 2000 - 2007: Pennsylvania Department of Labor and Industry. Lead Paint Hazard Risk Assessor. Trained by Tom Reinhard, AllSafe Environmental, 375 Criswell Drive, Boiling Springs, PA 17007. (717) 258-4109. Certification #003090 Certification #003090.
- 2020 - present: Certified Residential Inspector CRI. National Association of Home Inspectors
- 2012 - present: Certified Inspector of the International Association of Certified Indoor Air Consultants ID Number: IAC2-23628.
Author of Standards of Practice
- International Home Inspection Standards of Practice. InterNACHI. Authored the original, first draft of the standards in 1996. The current version is located at
- International Association of Certified Indoor Air Consultants ( Authored the IAC2 Mold Inspection Standards of Practice. This is the Standards of Practice for mold inspections of the International Association of Certified Indoor Air Consultants ( The Standards can be found at
- InterNACHI Standards of Practice for Inspecting Radon Gas Mitigation Systems. Authored the Standards of Practice in 2008. This Radon Mitigation System Inspection Standards of Practice can be found The Standards guide the inspector through the process of inspecting a residential radon mitigation system and reporting defects of the system
- Home Inspector Job Task Analysis. Facilitated the development and publication of the analysis in 2010. InterNACHI's Home Inspector Job Task Analysis is intended to list all of the tasks a home inspector may perform, as well as the knowledge, abilities, and skills required to do these tasks.
Author of Textbooks
- Gromicko, Ben. How to Inspect the Attic, Insulation, Ventilation, & Interior Textbook. InterNACHI. Colorado. 2009.
- Gromicko, Ben. How to Inspect the Exterior Textbook. InterNACHI. Colorado. 2009.
- Gromicko, Ben. How to Inspect Stoves, Fireplaces and Chimneys Textbook. InterNACHI. Colorado. 2012.
- Gromicko, Ben. How to Inspect Pools and Spas Textbook. InterNACHI. Colorado. 2008.
- Gromicko, Ben. How to Inspect for Moisture Intrusion Textbook. InterNACHI. Colorado. 2009.
- Gromicko, Ben. Residential Plumbing Overview Textbook. InterNACHI. Colorado. 2007.
- Gromicko, Ben. How to Inspect HVAC Systems Textbook. InterNACHI. Colorado. 2009.
- Gromicko, Ben. How to Perform Radon Inspections Textbook. InterNACHI. Colorado. 2010.
- Gromicko, Ben. How to Perform Mold Inspections Textbook. InterNACHI. Colorado. 2009.
- Gromicko, Ben. 25 Standards Every Home Inspector Should Know Textbook. InterNACHI. Colorado. 2009.
- Gromicko, Ben. Wood-Destroying Insect Inspection Field Guide. InterNACHI. Colorado. 2010.
- Gromicko, Ben. Home Energy Book. InterNACHI. Colorado. 2013.
Author of Home Maintenance Books
Author of Online Courses
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