ASHI and InterNACHI to meet with legislators in New Hampshire.


On June 23rd, 2006 InterNACHI Executive Director, Mr. John Bowman met with Representative Harry Gale of New Hampshire.  Representative Gale is the architect of the New Hampshire Home Inspector Licensing Bill (HB 642).  Topics of discussion ranged and centered around:

  • Grandfathering existing InterNACHI members.
  • Apprenticeship of future inspectors.
  • Examination for competency.
This informal meeting was arranged and attended by InterNACHI member Ms. Carla Horne. 
The next meeting is tentatively scheduled for early August, 2006.  Invitations to this meeting will be extended to the two national associations (ASHI & InterNACHI) in addition to individual New Hampshire Chapter representatives of both national associations.  The intent of this next meeting is to have problems with the bill hashed out and resolved prior to its submission to the House of Representatives.  This meeting will be the first meeting of its type and magnitude within the U.S. between the two national inspector associations and state legislators.  Representative Gale will act as moderator/mediator for the meeting. 
John Bowman