Dr. John Shane, the nation's leading mycologist, teaches "How to inspect for mold" to home inspectors. Dr. Shane is a guest instructor in the IAC2 online video mold training and certification course on NACHI.TV. Press PLAY.

Dr. Shane earned his Bachelors of Science degree at Brigham Young University in Botany, and his Ph.D. at Arizona State University from the Botany and Microbiology Department, specializing in Palynology (the study of fungal spores and pollen). Dr. Shane belongs to several professional societies relevant to indoor air quality; including Indoor Air Quality Association (IAQA), Mycological Society of America (MSA), American Academy of Allergy Asthma and Immunology (AAAAI), Pan-American Aerobiology Association (PAAA), International Commission for Palynology (ICP), American Industrial Hygiene Association (AIHA), and American Conference of Governmental Industrial Hygienists (ACGIH), International Association of Aerobiologists (IAA), International Commission of Palynologists (ICP), and North American Mycological Association (NAMA). He is a Certified Residential Microbial Inspector, certified by the Indoor Environmental Standards Organization, and a Fellow of the Royal Microscopical Society.
Dr. Shane is a frequent featured and invited speaker around the country to teach the identification and interpretation of mold and house dust in indoor and outdoor environments, and has personally conducted thousands of indoor air investigations. Dr. Shane has also served as an expert witness on high profile mold cases involving millions of dollars.  Dr. Shane serves as PRO-LAB's Vice President of Laboratory Services and head of PRO-LAB’S Scientific Advisory Board.
(Below, a NACHI.TV camera man gets birds-eye-view footage of Dr. Shane explaining how to perform a proper mold inspection utilizing a table-full of sampling devices.)
Watch Dr. Shane explain how to do a proper mold inspection as a guest instructor in the online video mold course.