Effective April 15, 2007 new applicants will have to complete InterNACHI's free Structural Issues for Home Inspectors online course. The course can be taken before applying for membership or within 30 days after joining. The course improves awareness of structural
defects, helps prevent misdiagnosis, and defines a home inspector's role in performing
the structural portion of a home inspection. The course is open to all and includes includes
3 short quizzes and a 65 question final exam. Upon passing the final exam, members
can download and print their own certificate of completion. Click here to take the course now.
Additionally, new members will have to complete 8 hours of advanced or beyond Standard of Practice coursework within their first 2 years of membership. This course work can be completed
before applying for membership or within 2 years after joining. Advanced or beyond Standard of Practice coursework topics include: mold, advanced HVAC, thermal imaging, well sampling,
WDO, radon, commercial building, energy loss, code, log home, septic, etc. Many
of these advanced or beyond Standard of Practice courses are offered or hosted by InterNACHI.