Government Officials at InterNACHI's 2006 Convention

I am pleased to announce that two large and important government organizations have requested and been granted access and attendence to our National Convention this year.
First,  Mr. Mick Zelaska from the Dept of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) will be with us on Monday and Tuesday to explain and promote the HUD inspection programs.  The Real Estate Assessment Center (REAC) within the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) is currently recruiting qualified contract inspectors to inspect over 25,000 HUD-assisted properties annually, in all 50 states and territories, including Puerto Rico, U.S. Virgin Islands, Guam, and the Marianas Islands to ensure properly maintained, safe and sanitary housing.
Anybody interested in partaking of these programs should visit with Mr. Zelaska, he will be in the InterNACHI booth in the exhibit hall.
Secondly, Gail Pouchet-Melvin, Environmental Specialist, Radon and Indoor Air Quality, Bureau of Community Environmental Health FL Department of Health will be on site from Sunday through the end of the session.  She will be administering the State Radon Proctured test.  Any question regarding Florida licensing laws should be directed to her.  She will have literature and handouts.
Both of these governmental offices have expressed great appreciation to InterNACHI for allowing them to be present at this event and both are looking forward to an on going relationship with InterNACHI and our inspectors.  I am asking all attendees to seek them out and give them a warm InterNACHI welcome.
Paul Sabados
Vice President