Excerpts of ASHI response to GORRC questionaire.

Notice from GORRC

I finally have our first meeting on Home Inspectors scheduled.  It will be October 9, 2:00 to 4:00 pm (I don’t anticipate it lasting that long).  It will be at the Office of Planning and Budget,  – 270 Washington Street, 8th Floor, Board Room - Room 8137.

Please be prepared to make presentations to the Council.  Tom, we will need to hear from your group and you as the applicant group, so you will be allotted more time.  Items to consider concentrating on for this meeting:  why licensure is needed; evidence of harm or issues affecting citizens because of lack of licensure; what other states do (in general, number that license for example); and number of potential licensees.

 As you all are aware, this will be fairly informal and I will recognize anyone who would like to speak.  Also, be prepared for questions from the Council.

 Thanks for all of your help.  Look forward to seeing you on October 9.

Brenda Purcell
 Senior Policy Advisor
 Office of Planning and Budget
 PH:  404-656-6517