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437 Posts

Posted - 09/15/2005 :  08:24:45  Show Profile  Email Poster  Edit Topic  Reply with Quote
Without Prejudice
For information purposes only.

Here are some links of information that relate to the National. I am sorry some of them are outdated. These are public domain articles and may help you understand how CHIBO and the National came about. Unfortunatley the much anticipated final will be announced at Inspection Oddesy at Niagra Falls in October.

Certification and Accreditation Model for Home
and Property Inspectors Report Sections 2,3,4,5 and 6

Overview of the Canadian Private Home Inspection Industry

First Nations Building Officials Certification



Construction Sector Council aims for more home inspectors, building officials


The Carson Dunlop and Associates program has been adopted by the American Society of Home Inspectors (ASHI), the Canadian Association of Home and Property Inspectors (CAHPI) in BC, Saskatchewan and Manitoba. The Carson Dunlop program complies with ASHI Curriculum and Standards of Practice. The program also meets the Professional Home/Property Inspector Occupational Standards developed by the Canadian Home Inspectors and Building Officials Steering Committee for National Standards (CHIBO).



Raymond Wand R.H.I.
Alton, ON

Edited by - Raymond.Wand on 09/15/2005 08:31:49


81 Posts

Posted - 09/16/2005 :  07:35:47  Show Profile  Email Poster  Reply with Quote

Thanks for posting these links with the statement that they are not all current. Some are also not relevant, but that's another matter.

I see you say it is unfortunate that the final version will be introduced at the Niagara Conference. Why is this UNFORTUNATE?

That is exactly what was intended when the National Initiative originated many years ago. CAHPI, which is a creation of the National Initiative, was always intended to be the governing body for ALL qualified Canadian Home Inspectors. It only makes sense that the major announcement should be made at the CAHPI Annual Conference. Let's not forget that members of CAHPI Associations have donated almost a million dollars in cash and volunteer time towards this project.

I will add, however, that since the process is and must be fair, inspectors who are not members will also be welcome to apply for certification and will be treated fairly the same as members.

All of the details will be available soon for everyone, and from where I sit, any qualified and competent Home Inspectors should be very pleased with what they will see.

Bill Mullen RHI
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81 Posts

Posted - 09/20/2005 :  06:49:44  Show Profile  Email Poster  Reply with Quote
The CAHPI Ontario newsletter came out today, so the 'Cat is out of the bag' about our big announcements at the CAHPI National Conference. I have been dying to see this out in the open, so here goes.

We are being honoured by the appearance of Canada's Housing and Labour Minister, the Honourable Joe Fontana. Among other things, Mr. Fontana will announce the details of the National Certification Plan with CAHPI National being named the Certification Body for all Canadian Home Inspectors who meet the criteria.

This is one of the biggest events in our history. I encourage everyone to attend if possible. This is the culmination of about eight years' hard work by many dedicated volunteers. We are about to gain the credibility and status we have coveted for years.

Claude Lawrenson and I will later tag-team with Kevin Sheppard, a consultant who has worked with us on this, in an explanatory session whereby the details can be outlined.

Bill Mullen RHI
CAHPI - The Voice of Canadian Home Inspectors
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Posted - 09/20/2005 :  07:41:07  Show Profile  Email Poster  Edit Reply  Reply with Quote  Delete Reply
It also appears that First Nations Building Officials will also be a Certifying body at least in Ontario, so CAHPI will not be the only Certifying Council. Just the info I garnered from FNNBOA.

Close to a million dollars in members time and money? Don't forget much of that money was also taxpayers money which helped fund the process.

Raymond Wand R.H.I.
Alton, ON
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81 Posts

Posted - 09/20/2005 :  08:13:27  Show Profile  Email Poster  Reply with Quote
FNNBOA will be certifying people to do inspections on First Nations land. Their certification is much different than the one CAHPI will be conferring, and it follows much different Occupational Standards. Claude Lawrenson has fully explained the difference to you a few times. The FNNBOA inspector differs from the CAHPI inspector the same as a Municipal inspector differs from a CAHPI inspector...........totally different jobs.

An FNNBOA certification will not be the same as the one conferred by CAHPI by a longshot. It is good only to inspect properties under the jurisdiction of the First Nations people. On the other side of the coin, a CAHPI Certification will not be valid on their properties.(At least not immediately)

If an FNNBOA certified person wishes to inspect off of their territory using a valid certification, they too would need to be certified by CAHPI. This was sorted out very early in the CHIBO process and both associations honour that agreement.

FNNBOA and CAHPI have worked together to make sure both groups have distinct certifications that will meet the unique needs of their constituents.

Of course a lot of taxpayers money was spent. The government realized that one credible, fair national organization was needed to bring all competent Canadian Home Inspectors together in one National Certification, so they funded a large part of the project. CAHPI was created to be that organization and will be welcoming applications from members of the CAHPI associations as well as inspectors outside of the memberships very shortly after the official announcement(s).

Bill Mullen RHI
Sarnia, Ont.
CAHPI - The Voice of Canadian Home Inspectors
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101 Posts

Posted - 09/20/2005 :  16:29:13  Show Profile  Email Poster  Reply with Quote
Thanks for clearing that up, Bill. Lets hope this will finally put the topic of First Nations Certification to rest. Wading through the misinformation and outdated documents posted by others is not helpful and beginning to get tiresome.


Edited by - Dave.Bottoms on 09/20/2005 16:29:40
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437 Posts

Posted - 09/20/2005 :  19:08:57  Show Profile  Email Poster  Edit Reply  Reply with Quote  Delete Reply
Mr. Bottoms

The only tiresome voice here is yours. Once again members have every right to read and assess for themselves what and how the National and the Certification came about. Whether it is outdated or not is moot. The fact remains these links brought together and help formulate the final document. I hope you are not suggesting in your infinite wisdom that these documents are and have been irrelevent in the formulation of the National?

As to the First Nations, perhaps you should speak to someone in FNNBOA, because when I spoke to them I didn't get quite the same story as that explained by Mr. Mullens. It is also of interest to the members to know who sits on FNNBOA Certification Council, and it is also comparative of what members can expect with regard to Certification through CAHPI.

Raymond Wand R.H.I
Alton, ON
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81 Posts

Posted - 09/20/2005 :  19:17:46  Show Profile  Email Poster  Reply with Quote
Ignore him, Dave.

Mr. Wand and his kooky friend insist on opposing anything that might actually be a positive thing for our industry. This is going to put all competent, qualified inspectors on a much higher, more respected plateau.

Those two are just mad because once again they have chosen the wrong team to join. Chances are they are afraid they won't meet the criteria to be a part of a legitimate certification plan.

I have made it very clear in the past that CAHPI will welcome applications from any and all Home Inspectors in Canada. If they have the required training and experience, they have nothing to fear. I'm afraid, however, that a laughable twenty minute online quiz likely won't count towards anybody's qualifications.

I see Mr. Wan has once again lifted messages from this forum and sent them to his American buddies. Some loyal Canadian !!!

Bill Mullen RHI
CAHPI - The Voice of Canadian Home Inspectors
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81 Posts

Posted - 09/20/2005 :  19:21:08  Show Profile  Email Poster  Reply with Quote

Please do us all a favour and apply to FNNBOA and leave CAHPI alone. We worked side by side with the First Nations during the certification process, so don't even hint that I don't know what is going on.

If they accept you and you want to inspect on First Nations land, great. Oh, but I forgot, you don't do inspections because you're retired.

Bill Mullen
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437 Posts

Posted - 09/20/2005 :  19:37:56  Show Profile  Email Poster  Edit Reply  Reply with Quote  Delete Reply
Well I see the dynamic duo is back in action!

I guess the devil will be in the details once the grand plan is made public in October.

As to your other statements aren't you the same guy along with your cohort who have openly accused me inspecting while retired from Oahi without so much as any proof to your allegations to try and discredit me? Only a short time ago your posts along with Mr. Bottoms were removed. I hope you can see the error of your ways on this forum and permit the forum to flourish as an information repository without the need of your bias editiorial commentary.

How can anyone be assured fair and equitable treatment with the Certification process when you continually say one thing privately and another thing publicly when it comes to individuals and other organizations?

I should remind you that as the Director of Strategic Alliances with CAHPI your tone and your statements once again seem to clash with your idea of fairness and the purpose of this discussion board.

As to my right to freedom of association and posting your comments off this list perhaps you may want to reflect on your posts here before embarrassing yourself on the other list?

Thank you.

Raymond Wand R.H.I.
Alton, ON

Edited by - Raymond.Wand on 09/20/2005 19:40:15
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101 Posts

Posted - 09/20/2005 :  20:39:57  Show Profile  Email Poster  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by Raymond.Wand

Mr. Bottoms

The only tiresome voice here is yours. Once again members have every right to read and assess for themselves what and how the National and the Certification came about. Whether it is outdated or not is moot. The fact remains these links brought together and help formulate the final document. I hope you are not suggesting in your infinite wisdom that these documents are and have been irrelevent in the formulation of the National?

As to the First Nations, perhaps you should speak to someone in FNNBOA, because when I spoke to them I didn't get quite the same story as that explained by Mr. Mullens. It is also of interest to the members to know who sits on FNNBOA Certification Council, and it is also comparative of what members can expect with regard to Certification through CAHPI.

Raymond Wand R.H.I
Alton, ON

I don't need to speak to them. I plan on doing things the right and honorable way. I don't need to find a back door to certification. You, on the other hand, have a whole bunch of inspectors who bought their novelty "certification" online from Nick's Diploma-Mills Are Us company to worry about. To that end, I wish you good freakin luck. But hey, you have no problem lying about your credentials on your website so why should anyone be surprised to hear you plan to try to use First Nations to get around doing things the right way.

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101 Posts

Posted - 09/20/2005 :  20:43:09  Show Profile  Email Poster  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by Bill.Mullen


Please do us all a favour and apply to FNNBOA and leave CAHPI alone. We worked side by side with the First Nations during the certification process, so don't even hint that I don't know what is going on.

If they accept you and you want to inspect on First Nations land, great. Oh, but I forgot, you don't do inspections because you're retired.

Bill Mullen

As Much as Wand hates everything CAHPI and OAHI, I bet you $20. he tries to renew his Retired RHI membership again for the 2006 year. A little hypocritical, wouldn't you say?

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101 Posts

Posted - 09/20/2005 :  20:44:56  Show Profile  Email Poster  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by Raymond.Wand

As to your other statements aren't you the same guy along with your cohort who have openly accused me inspecting while retired from Oahi without so much as any proof to your allegations to try and discredit me?
Raymond Wand R.H.I.
Alton, ON
So, for the record, Raymond, are you or are you not retired? Are you doing inspections of any kind, yes or no?


Edited by - Dave.Bottoms on 09/20/2005 20:45:55
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437 Posts

Posted - 09/20/2005 :  21:10:12  Show Profile  Email Poster  Edit Reply  Reply with Quote  Delete Reply
Mr. Bottoms

My membership status and renewal choices are none of your business.

As to my Retired status that too is none of your business.

As to which associations I choose to join that is my business, and a business decision, so that too is none of your business.

Just how many times must you make unfounded allegations that run contrary to the forum rules?

#7.10 2 (a) (b) (f)
#7.10 3 (b) (c) (l) (o)

Thank you.

Raymond Wand R.H.I.

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81 Posts

Posted - 09/20/2005 :  21:13:44  Show Profile  Email Poster  Reply with Quote

FACT: I have not been Director of any CAHPI committee including Strategic Relations since last February.

FACT: You and a couple other moroons over at the NACHI club contacted the Housing Minister's office with letters full of hatred, lies and false claims of wrongdoing within the past two months. Thankfully, the people who read the letters had no problem deciding who had credibility and who didn't.

FACT: You have in the past and continue to foment opposition to a totally fair and equitable initiative on which many volunteers have worked tirelessly. You spread mailcious lies and innuendoes about these volunteers using old, untrue information.

FACT: You have been working very hard, not to better the CANADIAN Home Inspection industry, but to help an AMERICAN group of pretenders interfere in a very positive Canadian process.

FACT: I have stated the same things everywhere about that American club. My message has always been the same. That group is made up of wannabe inspectors, many of whom can't or don't want to meet proper standards of education and training. That does not mean that they can't apply for certification through the National Initiative. I have also always made it clear that the process is fair and open to everyone across Canada equally. I have nothing against most of its members, but I have no use for the organization due to its lack of credible standards and laughable entry opportunities.......... Twenty minutes online and you're a 'Certified Inspector'.

FACT: You continue to misrepresent your credentials to the public and on messages to this and other forums. You paid dues as a Retired RHI and continue to do inspections. How do I know?....... You'd better start screening your bookings a bit closer.

FACT: You are asking all legitimate CAHPI Ontario inspectors to subsidize you as you thumb your nose at them by underpaying your membership dues and then trying to jeopardize their futures.

Bill Mullen RHI
Sarnia, Ont.
CAHPI - The Voice of Canadian Home Inspectors
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437 Posts

Posted - 09/20/2005 :  21:56:11  Show Profile  Email Poster  Edit Reply  Reply with Quote  Delete Reply

FACT: I have not been Director of any CAHPI committee including Strategic Relations since last February.

You sure haven't had any reservations about speaking up about the National and as I recall even offering to travel around and present the whole concept to other associations.


FACT: You and a couple other moroons over at the NACHI club contacted the Housing Minister's office with letters full of hatred, lies and false claims of wrongdoing within the past two months. Thankfully, the people who read the letters had no problem deciding who had credibility and who didn't.

I have not sent anyone any letters, that is a complete and utter lie. Nor have I contacted the Minister or his office or any of his assistants. So you had better be able to back up that outrageous claim!

FACT: You have in the past and continue to foment opposition to a totally fair and equitable initiative on which many volunteers have worked tirelessly. You spread mailcious lies and innuendoes about these volunteers using old, untrue information.

I again ask to provide any documentation to support your allegations. If providing information, formulating an opinion, and stating an opinion is contrary to any laws would you please provide them? You seem to have a problem with "any" information being released regardless how its presented and where it is found.

FACT: You have been working very hard, not to better the CANADIAN Home Inspection industry, but to help an AMERICAN group of pretenders interfere in a very positive Canadian process.

Those are pretty bold statements! Can you defend those statements?

FACT: I have stated the same things everywhere about that American club. My message has always been the same. That group is made up of wannabe inspectors, many of whom can't or don't want to meet proper standards of education and training. That does not mean that they can't apply for certification through the National Initiative. I have also always made it clear that the process is fair and open to everyone across Canada equally. I have nothing against most of its members, but I have no use for the organization due to its lack of credible standards and laughable entry opportunities.......... Twenty minutes online and you're a 'Certified Inspector'. [/quote}

You have mistated many times on the Canuck Forum and privately to me via private emails about your views of the other association, your bias knows no bounds. I can post that email if you like right here for all to see? There is this reoccuring theme with you to make statements that don't hold much weight, because you refuse to present proof, and you refuse to lay a complaint because you can't back up your allegations.

FACT: You continue to misrepresent your credentials to the public and on messages to this and other forums. You paid dues as a Retired RHI and continue to do inspections. How do I know?....... You'd better start screening your bookings a bit closer.

Do you have a problem substantiating your beefs? I have the right to use RHI as defined in the by-laws, and PR 158, and I am a member in good standing, with no outstanding complaints. Now if you are so eager as your mouth is leading me to believe I encourage you to file a complaint along with Mr. Bottoms allegations and the allegations above for proper review by the DPPC. You don't seem to be prepared to do that, so I guess that makes you a prevaricator. You have knowingly made false statements knowing them to be false before and now here you are doing it again.

[quote]FACT: You are asking all legitimate CAHPI Ontario inspectors to subsidize you as you thumb your nose at them by underpaying your membership dues and then trying to jeopardize their futures.

I am not asking anyone to subsidize anything and I don't know how that has any relationship to the matter at hand? Nor do I see how I am jeopardizing anyones future.

Thank you.

Raymond Wand R.H.I.
Alton, ON

Edited by - Raymond.Wand on 09/20/2005 21:59:24
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